Greetings football fans - it's terrific to be back.
For the next few weeks the door is open for new participants. If you have a friend, loved one, work colleague, or smarter than average pet, now is the time to let them know so they can join in.
How to join
You need to create an account (which is free) and be a registered user (also free) on the site. That means creating a login, validating your email address and setting a password. You can visit the site when not signed in, and even add comments, but nobody without a working login can ever appear on the ladder. Once you've done that, sign in and leave a comment on this page letting me know you'd like to participate this season. I'll sort things out from there.
My LIttle Helper has put together a page which will help explain how it all works - you can check it out here.
Please note that at some point we will close the window for new tipsters. Apologies in advance if you miss out.
Existing tipsters
For those of you that have participated in previous seasons, and would like to go around again, the good news is that you have already been pre-registered. You're most welcome to add a comment letting me know that you're back, but you don't have to.
I'll also have more details for everyone in the days ahead, but the tipping rules remain the same, and there will be cash prizes for those that finish on the podium (and a few random prizes throughout the season). At a time when inflation and cost-of-living pressures are out of control, you'll be pleased to hear that we have kept our prices for this season exactly the same as last season. It's still free. Freaking free. We don't know how we do it either, but the secret ingredient is love. Love and whisky.
As always, if you have any questions or just want to say hello, add your comments on the page and I'll respond as soon as I can.
Submitted by Big Pappy on
Please add me to the tipping comp. I cheers
Submitted by manyana on
Hi Thinker, after something like 7 years being both a follower, and then a competitor in your footy competition, I've decided not to join the competition again.
I've loved my time on your site, but my competitive edge has deserted me.
Thanks for running the competition, and I wish you, Mrs Thinker, Your Little Helper, and everyone else in the competition, all the best, and good luck in the 2025 competition.
Kind Regards, manyana.
Submitted by The Last Samurai on
Hi Thinker
Been so waiting for your start of season note.
Please add me again for the 2025 tipping season.
Submitted by Mike Tucker on
Mr Thinker,
Glad your back, some sanity has returned to the world.
Looking forward to this year.
Mike T.
Submitted by Rage Egi Rage on
Mr. Thinker,
Please add me in for this season 2025
Submitted by YnotEELS on
G'day Mr Thinker ,
Please consider me for an add in for the 2025 season.
1st time tipper , but followed the site and tips for 5 years now
Thanks in advance :) cheers
Submitted by Soldimadummy on
Hi Mr Thinker, I'd love to join the Tipping Comp this year. Would you add me to the list of tippers please?
Thnx in advance.
Submitted by John Scales on
Can not seem to log in?
Submitted by Big Al on
Please add me to tipping comp
Submitted by Rabbitoh chick on
Great to be back hello 🐇🐇🐇
Submitted by rickstar4life on
Hi, please add me in this years comp. have been watching from the sideline for a few years and i'm keen to jump in and participate this year.
Submitted by doobynuts on
Hi thinker. Would so love to join the tipping comp
Submitted by Gad on
Thanks Mr Thinker and your, 'My LIttle Helper', glad to be back in NRL 2025 comp. cheers
Submitted by Gummy Sharks on
Morning Team Thinker. Hope you enjoyed the break and all is well. Please include me in the comp this year. Keen to see what the Sharks can do this year now that they have a big dog in the side.
Submitted by EsraStar on
Hi mate.Please add me to the list once again.
Submitted by Mary S on
Hi Thinker,
Please include me this year. Great to see some of the previous tipsters renewing and welcome to the new.
Just have the internet back after a week with none and no power, as I'm in the middle of the floods in Ingham. We have spent the day cleaning out the mud, and stacking damaged goods ready for collection, so it was a real happy moment to see the comp was now open!!
Cheers to all,
Submitted by The Thinker on
@Mary S
Glad to hear from you and to hear that you are safe and well. Mrs Thinker is currently up that way with work - she was hoping to come home for a few days for a visit but the town she is in is likely to remain isolated for a while. Incredible amount of weather up that way.
Terrific to have you back in season 2025.
All the best
The Thinker
Submitted by The Thinker on
@everyone else
I'll respond to you all as soon as I can .... great to see some familiar names and some new arrivals.
All the best
The Thinker
Submitted by tigerholic on
Hi Thinker, Hello All
My two footy loving Tiger Cubs would like to be a part of the Thinker Tipping for this year. They swear that they can beat me and both have created an account:
Their tipping names are Balmainboy12, and Ellelicious.
Thank you
Submitted by tigerholic on
I'm definitely a starter for 2025
Submitted by Rocket Ryan on
Balmain boy sounds like another West Tigers supporter afraid of coming out.
Wooden spoon damage for sure.
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