2025 tipping competition prize money

Greetings tipsters

I have checked behind all the cushions in The Lounge and asked Ms Thinker if I could have an increase on my allowance this year. Prizes for this season are as follows:

First place - $200 cash

Second place - $100 cash

Third place - $50 cash

Random prize for a tipster that sticks with the competition all season - $50 cash

In the event of any tipsters finishing on equal points, prizemoney will be split as needed (for example, if two tipsters tie for first they split the first and second prizes - $150 each). I will also cobble together the occasional random extra comp and prizes throughout the year for the State of Origin series and The A Game which our friend 'a' is resurrecting this season.

As always, the final decisions on prizes rests with me (with Ms Thinker keeping an eye on me as a sanity check)...but you all seem like a well behaved bunch so I'm not expecting any arguments. And as always, Wally and I can't win prizes.

Good luck to you all.


Susanne Gibbons's picture

thinker tip pls

a's picture

Hey thinker the comments are shut for round 1

Mary S's picture

Hi 'a'
The Thinker (& other tipsters) could be impacted by floods & no power at present, with all the wild weather down south.

In the recent Ingham floods, we were without power, therefore no internet, for 8 days!!
Hopefully, things will settle a lot quicker for Brisbane and all other southern areas currently affected,


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